Tuesday, 11 April 2023

Norfolk Island

In December 2022, Bron, Lal and I spent a great week on Norfolk Island.

Approximately 1000 kilometres east of Australian, Norfolk Island is a fascinating and beautiful place.

Archaelogical evidence shows that the island was inhabited by Polynesian seafarers between the 13th and 15th centuries.   

Then in 1788 Norfolk Island became the second European settlement in Australia after Sydney.  

The settlement was chosen as the Norfolk Island pines were believed to be good for making ship masts and the flax could be used for sails.   Also, there were concerns that the French were sniffing around and might make a settlement there.

The settlement of convicts and free settlers remained there until 1814 when the island was abandoned due to its perilous landing sites, isolation and settlement in Tasmania.   

However, a second convict settlement was established in 1825,   The settlement became infamous for the harsh treatment of prisoners.   The settlement was once again abandoned by 1856.

It was then that the island was handed over to the Pitcairn Islanders.   The descendents of the Pitcairn Islanders now make up about half of the island's population.    

Check out some photos of our trip.

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